• Are you ready for a new twist???

Are you ready for a new twist???

Meet the CornScrew!

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About Us

Dinner is upon us and there it is, the most delicious corn on the cob.  One problem…those darn little cob poker things.  Yes, they are a great tool, but when our 3 and 5 year old children yank the pokers out and start a poker war, we were in trouble.  I was looking for a less than lethal way to skewer the corn, but there was nothing else on the market.  While rummaging through the utensil drawer, I saw a wine corkscrew and had an epiphany.   Thus was born the CornScrew-Corn on the Cob Made Easy!  No more skewered kids, just skewered corn!

While going through the development process we tried several versions modelled after the traditional poker, but every time, we felt it was off.  It always came back to the handle being parallel to the screw.  We then made it perpendicular and were sold.  We find that it is more natural to grasp, easier to rotate and won’t roll off your plate while out picnicking.  Through other research and testing we found that it was also easier for people with dexterity problems to use.  Bonus points!

Thank you again for giving the CornScrew a shot!  It is a much better twist on the old fashioned way of eating corn!  Oh, don’t forget to tell your friends about us too!  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me: [email protected]

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